Shed Facelift. Literally.
We have what we like to call a Murder Shed. We have renters in our basement and they have to walk past it coming and going from their entrance. It’s 4 inches from the fence and 24 inches from the house. Something had to be done. After much discussion we decided to keep the old…
A Trip to Poland
When your parents are in Poland you might as well go to visit them in Poland. I found a good deal on tickets to Gdansk and talked Bryant and Paige into joining. Bryant guilt tripped Jay into going and off we went to see Mom and Dad. We flew all night. Super fun. We had…
Thanksgiving in Pacific City
Julia invited me to come to Oregon for Thanksgiving! Her family and 3 of her uncle’s families got beach houses in Pacific city. We flew out of SLC Tuesday night at ~11pm and arrived in Eugene a little after midnight. On Wednesday we drove from Eugene to Pacific City. Me and Julia’s siblings played lots…
Gingerbread Lighthouse
At the beginning of October I remember I better start my gingerbread house. I wanted to do a lighthouse on a cliff but I didn’t know how to make a circle lighthouse, a cliff or the ocean. There is a lot of trial an error to accomplish a gingerbread house. I slowly chip away at…
One of the members of our branch passed away a couple of weeks ago and the funeral was Friday. It was organized and conducted by her daughter and granddaughter neither of whom are members of the church. In planning the funeral they were kind enough to ask us to sing and to read a scripture…
The Gdańsk Christmas Market
The Christmas market opened last weekend and we joined the large crowds enjoying the season. My favorite booths were the ones selling food! There are so many booths and so many different foods. Can I make it through all the great food booths before the market closes?