• B&P June 2024

    B&P June 2024

    We celebrated Bryant’s birthday in style. Bryant being a lover of yummy cooked foods decided to use his new Trigger grill to cook some fancy (& huge) ribeye steaks, but also a rack of ribs! My parents drove down to help us celebrate and to partake of the yummy feast. My dad brought along his…

  • Hardware


    At long last, I proposed to Julia! Some important background information you’ll want to know before I tell the whole story: Julia drove down to provo on Jan 10th so that we could spend the weekend together. We like to get out of the apartment, so she suggested we go on a walk. South of…

  • Senior Missionary Conference

    Senior Missionary Conference

    We were invited to our senior missionary conference held in Warsaw. We rode the train from Gdańsk to Warsaw on Wednesday January 29 then walked a couple of kilometers through two parks on the way to our hotel. The hotel was the best I’ve ever stayed at. Elder Parsons was the CFO for Marriott so…

  • Hammond Christmas

    Hammond Christmas

    The Hammonds were kind enough to let me stay for Christmas this year, and I was glad that I didn’t have to go a month without seeing Julia. We drove there on Friday Dec 20 and partied until the 1st. Julia had four siblings in town for Christmas: Connor, Dylan, Tessa, and Pippa. We went…

  • Christmas in Gdańsk

    Christmas in Gdańsk

    Our Christmas Day 2024 was spent at home in our apartment. The sister missionaries came for a brunch then we had a nice dinner with the elders. The elders had gone to Warsaw with Damien, who was baptized in the font in the Warsaw building. They said it was a great experience to have him…

  • Tremors


    In the MTC, I first noticed that Sharon had tremors. They weren’t large but I noticed them when she was stressed. I immediately thought of Parkinson’s Disease and it was very worrisome to me. When we had been in Poland for several weeks I thought they were worse. By the time we reached Halloween she…