Yummy things to eat

This week I made 2 gallons of homemade ice cream. It was so yummy. On Thursday I made raspberry and we invited over all the cousins in provo. On Friday, Stephen and Lizzy invited us over for pesto cavatappi (which was to die for). I made chocolate malt flavor ice cream for their family (also to die for).

Last week, me and Julia were going on a walk near the Bonneville shoreline trail and we ran into my old neighbor Derek and his wife Rachel. It was a beautiful sunset walk with them.

This morning, I borrowed my neighbor’s tandem bike and me and Julia rode on the river trail.

Julia and her roommates have a dinner rotation. this week I got on it 😂. On Thursday I made chicken Al pastor tacos. I marinaded the chicken for three days. It was stupid good. I baked it with pineapple and then added fresh pineapple on top too. I think they might invite me back since my debut was so yummy