Winter won’t go away

We’ve been waiting for the weather to warm up out here but we can’t seem to manage it! The last few weeks has been mostly house and yard projects. We finished putting sod in around the new pergola and the trampoline hole we dug.

We’ve also been enjoying Griffin and Cameron playing flag football this spring. They play in a field a few blocks from our house and many of the coaches and players are from our neighborhood. It’s awesome! The boys love it.

Last weekend we cleaned up the hobby rocket stash inherited from Dad and we shot them off in the field by our house. The boys loved it until we lost one of the rockets. Then they got discouraged and wanted to go home. But the search continued and we eventually found half of the rocket, and that was enough to buoy spirits for a few more launches.

Scott Brooks scared the living daylights our of me the other day. He sent me a text that said “You have a serious problem! Looks like someone has started building a cabin on your property.” He has been going up Lost Creek a lot the last few weeks and has been sending me updates. He saw our cabin site and assumed it was a rogue element intruding on the property. I let him know it was us and he sent me a few pictures. It appears the work so far has done pretty well through winter!