This week was a fun one, except for the weather. It was mostly rainy and cold. But it was neat because it was the lead up to Easter and we were trying to teach and talk to the kiddos about what Easter is and why we celebrate it. Instead of doing our Book of Mormon reading in the morning before they leave for school, we found the Bible videos the church has on Youtube and watched the clips of Holy Week, talking about Palm Sunday, The Last Supper, the Garden of Gethsemane, and finally the Cross and Resurrection. The kids asked lots of questions and it was a great discussion.

We could tell some of what we were talking about was getting through because of Will. Lizzy took Will and Lydia to Ikea this week and told them on the way there that they would be eating lunch there. Will began to describe the wonderful lunch they’d be eating to Lydia, who listened with great interest. He said “They have the best mac & cheese in the world. It’s so delicious.” Then he paused and added, “Jesus would have loved it.” Lizzy could not keep a straight face.

We also put together a shed in the side yard to store the kids’ bikes, all of our yard tools, and lawn mower. We hired several gentlemen to dig a pit for our trampoline and put the patio bricks in. They did a smashing job. I highly recommend them for any yard projects. And their price was unbeatable.

Mom, Dad, and Jay came over yesterday and we began assembly of a pergola on our back patio. Their price is also unbeatable.

Then finally last night we went and had dinner at Lizzy’s parents house, Kurt and Lynn. We had the classic ham and potato delight with rolls and coleslaw. Delicious! Lizzy made Mille Feuille pastries in the shape of bunnies for Easter.