We Pass Our First Polish Test

Last night we went to our first branch game night. This weekly activity consists of an opening prayer, a scripture reading from the Book of Mormon done by each person present (we read two verses each), commentary on the scriptures read, several games of Uno, and a closing prayer. This activity drew several from the branch who don’t regularly attend. The reason for their attendance was to meet the new branch leaders (us). The branch members particularly wanted to know our attitude towards speaking Polish. I guess some senior couples could not only speak Polish poorly but also have no desire to speak Polish at all.

Anyway the key moment was when we read the two verses of the Book of Mormon. I read first – Enos 16 and 17. Here are the verses:

16. I mając wiarę, wołałem do Boga, aby azachował bkroniki; i zawarł ze mną przymierze, że we właściwym dla Niego czasie cwyjawi je Lamanitom.

17. I ja, Enos, wiedziałem, że stanie się zgodnie z Jego przymierzem; przeto moja dusza uspokoiła się.

As an English speaker you can see that on the face of it, reading these verses is daunting. Anyway as I started to read these verses there was an almost audible elation from the branch members. They were actually thrilled. I myself thought my reading was, in Jay’s words, “Lame, lame, lame, lame, lame.”