The Visit From Some of Our Kids

Bryant and Paige, Melodie and Jay came to visit us in Gdańsk on Thursday October 31 (Halloween). After they arrived we took them to our church. We immediately put up the Halloween decorations that Paige brought for our English Class. The people who came for English that night not only got to see Paige’s decorations but they also tasted Halloween candy from the USA.

On Friday we visited Sopot and experienced a visit to the Sopot cemetary on All Saints Day. The cemetaries of Poland are thronged with people and we got to see it all.

On Saturday we went to the Amber Museum. We also checked out the amber they sell on Mariacka street.

We went into what used to be the finest building in Gdańsk, Artus Court. Many guild meetings and dinners were held here over the centuries. I like the atmosphere. Where else can I go to sense the grandeur of old Gdańsk?

On Monday we visited Marbork. What a fortress!

On Tuesday Jay left for home and the rest of us took the train north to the coast to find amber!

I don’t know if anyone else loved hunting for amber, but I did! Another memorable event was running for the train home. Mom never was the same after that.