Thanksgiving in Pacific City

Julia invited me to come to Oregon for Thanksgiving! Her family and 3 of her uncle’s families got beach houses in Pacific city.

We flew out of SLC Tuesday night at ~11pm and arrived in Eugene a little after midnight. On Wednesday we drove from Eugene to Pacific City. Me and Julia’s siblings played lots of would you rather in the car.

After arriving that afternoon, we unpacked and walked along the beach. At sunset, we hiked up a large sand dune and then raced down it. Only a few people tripped 😂

Julia photobombed my live picture at the top of the dune.

The beach house had ping pong, pool, and we brought lots of board games. Between the beach, games, and the delicious food, we were rarely bored. On Thanksgiving, we had a soccer game on the beach, then raced inside once the food was ready. The Thanksgiving meal was incredible—although I couldn’t help wishing their mashed potatoes and gravy were more like mom’s.

I didn’t want to come back to school, but alas, we flew home on Sunday morning. We made it back just in time for church.