Shed Facelift. Literally.

We have what we like to call a Murder Shed. We have renters in our basement and they have to walk past it coming and going from their entrance. It’s 4 inches from the fence and 24 inches from the house. Something had to be done. After much discussion we decided to keep the old shed but only the upper half. We would replace the walls with new wood. So why not make it 24 inches taller?

How do you lift a shed an extra 2 feet? A car jack and many prayers. If you want to have a nervous breakdown, this is the place to start. We would lift the front side and add supports then we would lift the back and add more supports. When we got it up high enough we added the new walls. It was a miracle we (as in Branton and I and the 5 children we had running around) didn’t get squished.

It’s not quite done but its WAYYYYY less murdery. I’m not ashamed to have it near my house.