We still own that little apartment in Lehi where we lived when we were first married. Mom and I painted it blue when we moved in. It has stayed that color for the last 10 years. We have fantastic renters that asked for a color change. We decided on Repose Gray. I’m really happy with how it is turning out. She has 2 little boys and is pregnant so it’s really a production. Somehow, no matter how careful I am, the 11 month old finds wet paint. Not even wet paint on the wall. Today he found that little dot of paint they put on the top of the can to ID the color. Remarkable talent for getting into things.

I’ve found a new painting tool that is a game changer. It is an edger that has a guard on one side. It makes ceilings, doors and baseboard edging a breeze.

Branton will often offer the neighborhood kids the “opportunity” to hold one of his spiders. They are all super excited about it. Some are worried but they are all really good about it. Speaking of spiders, they eat cockroaches and sometimes those cockroaches get out. This week I was doing laundry and saw a little tag or some wrapper in the back of the washer. Nope. It was a dead cockroach. There were words.

We also finally got rid of a giant cement block that was once part of the foundation. When we cut out the egress windows they just left the giant block in the hole. Dad and Bryant got it out of the hole by an engine hoist and a lot of ingenuity. Branton broke it up and we took it to the dump, by way of the Subaru.