Oh What Do You Do In The Summertime

Canyon is done with Kinder. It was full day which everyone has opinions on. I mostly danced a jig every day. Now that he’s out we are having a lot of fun. We got Lagoon passes so we’ll go a lot this summer. We only live about 10 min away.

Canyon also finished soccer. Branton was coach and Canyon mostly just hung off of Branton’s arms the whole game. Canyon is so used to having Branton’s undivided attention, I think he was confused why dad was busy with other kids too.

We went down to Provo and saw Jay’s laser lab. Branton and Canyon were in awe. I was like, It looks like a bunch of wires and computers. I asked for a Lightsaber. Jay didn’t deliver. We went to the Bean Museum. Aka Dead animal zoo. For some strange reason Canyon loves it so much. We also ate at the Creamery on 9th. It hasn’t changed a bit. It brought back so many memories of living there and eating at the creamery almost every day. My building has been knocked down but the memories are still fresh.