More Remodeling

Hi all,
This last month has been full of remodeling. Its seems all my spare time has gone towards getting this house in Spanish Fork ready for sale. I’ve hired some subcontractors to help with things like the exterior, paint, flooring, and cabinets. I’ve personally done all the electrical stuff, the landscaping, and all the odds and ends. We are close to being done. The paint was done last week, and the exterior should be done this week. After that, there are just a few small things left and then it will be time to list the house. I’ll be excited to (hopefully soon) sign the paperwork to sell the house. Its been a big project.

Lewis and Hallie keep us busy. This week we took them swimming, went on bike rides, went to the Mapleton parade, and played outside. They are both growing up so fast. Lewis is a very active little boy. He keeps us on our toes. Hallie is just a sweet little girl. She likes doggies and kitties, snacks, playing with other kids, and going on bike rides.

We love getting the emails every week hearing about your adventures in Poland. I love that it keeps my own problems in perspective to hear about the challenges of people in Poland.