A few months ago I made the decision to sell one of my rental properties in Spanish Fork. The tenant just left, so now I’m prepping the home for sale. It has been a big job because the house is pretty old and beat up. The house was built in the 1920s, according to county records, but it might be older than that. Also, the home has been added onto a couple of times, so it is quite the crazy project. It hasn’t had any remodel happen for many years.
I’m doing all new cosmetic updates. Flooring, paint, new tub, new bathroom vanity, all new light fixtures, new siding, upgraded landscaping, new doors and windows. It is a big project. I’ve got a bunch of subcontractors lined up to take care of it, but there are lots of odds and ends I’m doing myself. It’s been a massive project and I’ll be super happy when its all done.
Lewis and Hallie are enjoying the summer. They love playing in the backyard, playing in the cul-de-sac with friends, going to the park, going to the splash pad, all the fun summer stuff. Missy loves taking them to Springville to the splash pad in the downtown area.
Both kids are growing so fast. Lewis has started eating like twice as much as usual, it seems. He always wants more food at dinner and he is putting on weight and growing so fast. Hallie is the same way. She loves snacks and is a good eater. It seems every day she grows a little bit.