Category: Stephen And Lizzy
A Lost Creek Summer
We’ve had a pretty busy summer. We’ve been working on the cabin and traveling. This week we’re headed to Idaho.
Yeah, cool people do build their own cabins
The first floor of the cabin has been framed! Darrell, Jay, and I went up and worked on it.
Lost Creek in Spring
For Memorial Day, I took the four wee ones up Lost Creek. It was perhaps the best day of my entire life. We borrowed Dad’s battery chainsaw in case any trees had fallen on the road. Scott Brooks has been up there a lot this spring hunting black bears and has done a monumental job…
Winter won’t go away
We’ve been waiting for the weather to warm up out here but we can’t seem to manage it! The last few weeks has been mostly house and yard projects. We finished putting sod in around the new pergola and the trampoline hole we dug. We’ve also been enjoying Griffin and Cameron playing flag football this…
Panama City Beach
Lizzy and I had the great pleasure of going to Panama City in Florida for 5 days this past week without our children. We were invited on the company retreat for Loma Homes, the company founded by our friend Jeff Brown. They own and manage a bunch of short term rentals all over and a…
St George Trip
This week was Spring Break for the kids in school so we packed up our gear and went down to old St George with Darrell and Missy. We stayed at a townhome in Washington in a little neighborhood with a pool. It wasn’t terribly warm outside but the kids didn’t care and wanted to spend…
Week Before Easter
This week was a fun one, except for the weather. It was mostly rainy and cold. But it was neat because it was the lead up to Easter and we were trying to teach and talk to the kiddos about what Easter is and why we celebrate it. Instead of doing our Book of Mormon…