Category: Mom And Dad
We Pass Our First Polish Test
Last night we went to our first branch game night. This weekly activity consists of an opening prayer, a scripture reading from the Book of Mormon done by each person present (we read two verses each), commentary on the scriptures read, several games of Uno, and a closing prayer. This activity drew several from the…
We have been assigned to the city of Gdansk, Poland to work with four young missionaries (two elders and two sisters) to help spread the gospel and support the local branch here. We will serve as branch leaders (Branch President and Relief Society President) in this city our entire mission. Gdansk is a very old…
We Meet President and Sister Roney
Our mission president and his wife were there to greet us as we arrived in Warsaw. They are great mission leaders. We spent all day Saturday with them. They showed us a Polish supermarket and took us out to lunch. They made sure we were comfortably settled in our rented apartment overnight. On Sunday night…
Can You Believe Coalville was Referenced in the Amsterdam Airport?
While flying to Poland, we were waiting in line to get our visas stamped in the Amsterdam airport when a man puts his hand on my shoulder. He calls me Elder and says that he is from Glasgow Scotland and that his wife and daughter are members of the church. He asks where I’m from….
A Couple of Things That are Clear to Me Now
The past couple of days I have been searching my feelings and I’ve realized a couple of things that surprise me. They are (1) that right now I don’t have any desire to do anything in my life but serve this mission to Poland and (2) that given the chance to change my assignment to…
Mom and Dad are in the MTC!
Mom and Dad went into the MTC on March 25th! They’ve been there a week and are learning a lot.