Category: Mom And Dad
We had a senior couples mission conference on July 25th and 26th. It was great to get together, learn about our callings, and feel the Spirit together. There are six senior couples in our mission. They are all very capable and very much extraordinary. All of them deal with living in a country where they…
On our way down to the Senior Couple’s Mission Conference, we stopped to see the Polish Royal Castle at Wawel. We toured the Wawel Cathedral and saw the crypts of the most honored people in Poland including Queen Jadwiga and Tadeusz Kościuszko. Queen Jadwiga was the first female head of state in Poland, living from…
Service at the Chamber’s
“Doing landscaping service is really satisfying,” says Elder Belleau and he got plenty of it last Friday in Kisewo. He and his companion, Elder Pawlik, were joined by Sisters Dil and Sands to spread and level a mountain of sand and dirt. They commented that, “Before the seed can be planted you have to prepare…
More Remodeling
Hi all,This last month has been full of remodeling. Its seems all my spare time has gone towards getting this house in Spanish Fork ready for sale. I’ve hired some subcontractors to help with things like the exterior, paint, flooring, and cabinets. I’ve personally done all the electrical stuff, the landscaping, and all the odds…
We visit Jose Omar Sanchez
Last Friday we visited a 23 year old Argentine named Jose Omar Sanchez. Jose is from Salta and served a mission during Covid in the Argentina Mendoza mission. He left Argentina because the economy there was not good and he had a friend in his ward that went to Poland to work and helped him…
We Serve the Herduś Couple
Last Wednesday we did service at the Herduś home. This included digging, weeding, and sweeping off their outside sidewalk and all on the warmest day of the year so far! Elders Wicker and Pawlik and Sisters Dil and Sands made it look easy! Josef and Irena Herduś have been members of the branch for many…
Today our missionary district walked down the streets of Gdańsk then headed out to Westerplatte, the location where World War II began. In the photo (left to right), Elder Pawlik, Elder Bayles, Elder Balleau, Elder Pederson, Elder Wicker, Elder Rapier, Sister Dil, Sister Sands, Sister Dearden and I. The Germans opened fire on Westerplatte on…
We Travel to Kołczygłowy
Yesterday we visited two of our members on the far west edge of our branch. We found both excellent spirits on a beautiful Polish summer day. We walked past a Catholic Church that our member told us reminded him of the Kirtland Temple. Elders Wicker and Pawlik, who accompanied us, met with a man they…
Inviting to Church in Gdańsk
Last evening the missionaries took violin and cello in hand to serenade Gdańsk and invite everyone to a musical Sacrament meeting we held today. Elder Pawlik and Sister Sands handed out 175 invitations in about an hour. Here is “Lead Kindly Light” as performed by Sister Dil and Elder Wicker.
A Visit to the Library
For some time one of our friends from our English class, who is a librarian and not a member of the church, has invited us to come to her library to tell about our home states or countries. She and her co-librarian, who translates our powerpoint presentations, make up posters and hang them up in…