Category: Mom And Dad
Sister Sands Is Transferred
Sister Gracie Sands came to Gdańsk straight from the MTC and has been here for about four months. We have learned to appreciate her work ethic in learning Polish, and her calm quiet personality. We will miss her! (She is in the center of the sister’s threesome.)
Laurel and David Come to Gdańsk
We were so happy to host my sister Laurel and her husband David in Gdańsk! We walked the streets taking photos with David’s Yashicamat large format film camera. They saw all the sights of Gdańsk and ate with us in our favorite places. They especially liked our friend Lin Chi’s Korean food. We also saw…
Memory: An Answer to a Prayer
I was thinking about times in my life when I have received answers to prayers. This one happened in San Jose. Sharon, Darrell and I moved to San Jose in February 1984. We rented the house across the street from Uncle Joe and Aunt Julie and their family. The rent was an unbelievable $1000/month that…
Service Project
The missionaries accompanied us to one of our member’s homes, the Herduś couple. He is 74 and she is 80 and is in poor health. Her hip gives her great pain when she stands up. In the last 3 months she has become bedridden. Elders Belleau and Lane cut up firewood and Sisters Atkinson, Sands…
On Friday we visited the home of Nicolaus Copernicus, the city of Frombork. This city is located very close to Russia and we were anxious to see if we could see it from there. The missionaries taught one of their friends, a man from Bangladesh who was at work at a Kabob restaurant. It was…
Mike and Darell
We were excited to have Uncles Mike and Darell visit us in Gdańsk this past week. On Saturday, we went to the beach where there was a sailboat regatta. We watched the sailboats out in the Gulf of Gdańsk for an hour or so then went back to tour the Gdańsk Old Town. They liked…
St. Dominic’s Fair
Missionaries would tell us that there was a special summer event coming to Gdańsk and that we should be ready for it. About a month ago we observed that traffic in the old town was being restricted and that lots of little wooden booths were being positioned in the streets. What we didn’t sense was…
Gdańsk Branch Beach Party
We planned our branch beach party weeks ago and crossed our fingers for good weather. We got the perfect evening for a party. It was cloudy with the temperature in the 70’s. We loaded up the car with everything we’d need then grabbed the elders to go shopping for the correct kielbasa (polish sausage) to…
Libby in Poland
Eric, Natalie and Libby made it to Poland! We met them in Warsaw and went with them first to the Wilanów Palace. Later on that Saturday evening, Natalie and Libby went to the Taylor Swift concert. Sharon and I drove back to Gdańsk. On Sunday morning Eric, Natalie and Libby flew to Gdańsk to go…
One of the great things we do with our missionaries is go to fun places on our preparation day. On July 29th we went to Sopot, a tourist city on the Gulf of Gdańsk just north of Gdańsk. We saw the Grand Hotel where Hitler stayed. We walked down the long wharf. We ate at…