Category: Eric And Natalie

  • Kiddies with Kitties

    Kiddies with Kitties

    We had a neighborhood outside baby kitty follow us home from our walk the other day. I was a sucker and gave it some milk. Indie didn’t know what to think of it. It hopped up on him in his stroller at one point. Later that day we had piano lessons and our piano teacher…

  • Homecoming Parade

    Homecoming Parade

    Libby was in the Aledo High School Homecoming parade! She rode on the float with the girls powerlifting team. The theme of the parade was “board games” so all the floats had reference to board games. It was super hot outside (duh, it’s Texas) but me and the kiddos had a blast watching the parade…

  • Pelfreys Are Back at School

    Pelfreys Are Back at School

    Holy smoke, school started in August and that did wonders for my brain settling down a little. The kids adjusted really well this year and I think overall everyone is happy to have a schedule back. (Except the babies, they get bored with the big kids gone.) Ethan is a Senior, Libby is a Sophomore,…

  • Visiting Elder & Sister Dearden

    Visiting Elder & Sister Dearden

    Last month Eric, Libby and I got to visit Mom and Dad on their mission in Poland! (Still can’t get over the fact that they are in Poland… Just didn’t see it coming!) It was fantastic. Could’ve spent way more time with them. It was very clear when we were there how much they are…

  • Striking Gold

    Striking Gold

    We always said we’d find pirate treasure or gold or jewels at Whitfield. There are myriad chests, pieces of antique furniture, drawers, boxes, and nooks. And I’m a creepy old house, anything is possible. Unfortunately no gold turned up.. Until this summer. We were prepping for Aunt Mavis to come and turning the office into…

  • The Battlefields of Virginia

    To clarify the title, the battlefield I’m talking about is my day to day summer life with everyone out of school. I consider myself to be fighting the good fight. The painter I employed asked me…” What’s the longest you can speak without being interrupted by your kids?!” It was in an amused manner he…

  • Short Lane Ice Cream

    Short Lane Ice Cream

    Here in Gloucester there’s an amazing ice cream shop called Short Lane. They make their own ice cream so I guess it could be considered a little creamery. Anyway, this place has the most delicious ice cream. Their claim to fame, however, is their unusual flavors. They have all the yummy regulars like vanilla, chocolate,…

  • Whitfield


    The Pelfrey summer has begun. The day after school ended we packed up all nine of us in the car and drove the 24 hours to Cardinal, Virginia. Glad that’s over. It is gorgeous weather at Whitfield. We’re also grateful that the downstairs air-conditioning is working well. Not so much upstairs, but we have window…

  • Pelfrey Q&A Letter

    Pelfrey Q&A Letter

    Hi mom and dad,  For a Sunday activity we are writing to you. Everyone has a question and a piece of advice for you. Maybe I can post it on the blog after you fill it out. Eric (@ a meeting) Answer: I actually have a lot in common with Eric right now.  Bishops and Branch…

  • Pelfrey Spring

    Pelfrey Spring

    The prophet Jacob says that our lives passed away as if it were a dream and I finally understand what he means a little. Time is a thief! My kids just keep on growing even though I thought they never would. Pardon all the reflection. Baby Indie will be 4 months next week… (And speaking…