Category: Bryant And Paige

  • B&P Thanksgiving 2024

    B&P Thanksgiving 2024

    Bryant & I hosted our first thanksgiving in our new home! We had my parents join us, two of my brothers (Avery & Zachary) & a pair of friends. Bryant tried out a new way of cooking the turkey called ‘spatchcock’. Where you essentially cut the turkey and lay it out flat to cook. We…

  • Found Ourselves in Poland!

    Found Ourselves in Poland!

    Our time in Gdánsk, Poland was such a dream. Traveling internationally was a little intimidating at first, but luckily we did make it there just in time for Grand & Sharon’s weekly english class. We squeezed so many fun things into our time there. Trying to not write a novel here so to keep it…

  • Disneyland!!


    We couldn’t stay away from Disney for too long. So before the 3-Day Ticket deal ended for California residents we made sure to go! (September 23rd-26th 2024) One of my absolute favorite things to do in preparation for any disney trip is to map out all of the yummy snacks they have available at that…

  • Tahoe Anniversary Trip (2024)

    Tahoe Anniversary Trip (2024)

    My parents were going on an anniversary weekend trip to Tahoe in August curtesy of my grandparents rewards points & we ended up getting invited to join! We scored Indy a babysitter & made our way up there for a fun weekend trip. Of course, Bryant and I were super excited to try a bunch…

  • Home Renovations (2024)

    Home Renovations (2024)

    Since our laundry room was a pretty decent sized space, we knew from the beginning that at some point we’d want to add some sort of counter and shelving. Turned out to be quite a project that we may have been a little unprepared for. Bryant ordered the butcher block & when it arrived we…

  • July 4th & 5th 2024

    July 4th & 5th 2024

    Celebrated the 4th of July in Sacramento, CA at my parents house & it was a very HOT day. Bryant took Indy swimming in her very first big pool. We were surprised to see that she was a pretty decent swimmer on her own, but did tend to drink a bit too much of the…

  • B&P June 2024

    B&P June 2024

    We celebrated Bryant’s birthday in style. Bryant being a lover of yummy cooked foods decided to use his new Trigger grill to cook some fancy (& huge) ribeye steaks, but also a rack of ribs! My parents drove down to help us celebrate and to partake of the yummy feast. My dad brought along his…

  • B&P May 26

    B&P May 26

    Yesterday i made a purchase that has been a long time coming. Since my birthday is coming up I convinced Paige to let me get a Traegar. It gets delivered tomorrow so I’ve been thinking of all the meats and pizzas and pasta that i’ll soon be cooking on it. Paige has been pretty busy…