Pelfrey Spring

The prophet Jacob says that our lives passed away as if it were a dream and I finally understand what he means a little. Time is a thief! My kids just keep on growing even though I thought they never would. Pardon all the reflection.
Baby Indie will be 4 months next week… (And speaking of getting older, my 39th Birthday is tomorrow.) He is an adorable and sweet little baby. I’m definitely feeling the baby and toddler combination though. Whew.
The big kids are getting ready for the end of the year and Ethan and Libby have AP tests to review for.
Ollie is plugging away on the euphonium and Roman and Deacon go to school, come home, eat snacks, fight, go to bed. We’re very blessed.
Over our long Easter break we went down to the beach at Port Aransas, Texas. We also hit up SeaWorld and Fredericksburg.