
This summer Canyon and I went to Whitfield to visit Natalie and the kids. We had a BLAST. I can’t wait to go back. There were so many fun things to experience. Here are some of the highlights:
-The childrens museum/aquarium
-The pool
– Cutting hydrangeas on the property and doing floral arrangements for the mantles with Libby
– Making a bird feeder with a giant pinecone
– Yard work
– Natalie going into the crawlspace
– The boys “fishing” off the dock. They caught a lot of minnows with rotisserie chicken. (It felt like that scene in Cheetah where they take the roast out of the kitchen and dump it in the burlap bag)
– Libby and I knocking out they top cupboard then manhandling the fridge into the kitchen
– The amazing sunsets

  • Painting and decorating the dining room
  • Book club with Libby and Ollie
  • Visiting the lighthouse
  • Crabby Island
  • Frogs
  • All the cute babies I could cuddle