Back to School for Me and Canyon

It’s back to school for Canyon! 1st grade. He’s got a great teacher, Mrs. Kattie. He’s adjusted much faster than last year. He has many of the same classmates as last year. They did put his best frienemy in the same class. They get a long so well, until they don’t.
I also started a side job at the school! I work in the lunchroom. I help the little kids open containers. Today I peeled about 50 oranges. Lunch has change a lot since I went to school. Todays lunch makes our lunch look like 5 star dining. They pick from an assortment of fruits and vegies, then have an uncrustable or chicken sandwich. I don’t think I would eat lunch there.
I also help with afternoon recess. I tell kids to not throw sand or ride scooters around. There is always some kid talking my ear off. I cary a squirt bottle around to keep kids cool. It’s pretty fun squirting kids in the face.