Homeless at Darrell’s

What I did Monday – Friday this week:

  • Worked at the Lab
  • Furiously pack / clean my apartment
  • Spend time with Julia

What I did on Saturday – Sunday this week

  • Eat Darrell and Missy’s yummy food
  • Chase Lewis and Hallie around
  • Spend time with Julia

As you can guess, this week is homeless week. All the landlords in provo colluded to play a big prank on college students. Luckily, their nefarious plans won’t work on me: Darrell and Missy to the rescue.

However, unluckily for me, homeless week is the herald for fall semester school starting. I’ll soon have homework coming out of my ears.

Even that wouldn’t be so bad – except Julia is also starting school… At the University of Utah. We now have to drive 45 minutes to see each other 👎. On the bright side, she found the perfect place to move into. Its a beautiful house owned by a nice older couple down the street. Julia and two of her friends are the only people living in a 5 bed / 3 bath house. Its fully furnished, has a backyard, a porch, and a three car garage. It even has a baby grand piano in the living room. Her rent is obviously more expensive than before, but its still cheaper than a lot of apartments near the U of U.

Other things I’ve been up to:

  • Darrell and I dug a tunnel under the side walk for his sprinkler system
  • We made S tier twice baked potatoes
  • Went to Darrell’s church and learned that there are over 100 primary age kids in his ward (🤯)
  • Missy is the nursery leader for all 20+ kids in nursery (bless her soul)