Gdańsk Branch Beach Party

We planned our branch beach party weeks ago and crossed our fingers for good weather. We got the perfect evening for a party. It was cloudy with the temperature in the 70’s. We loaded up the car with everything we’d need then grabbed the elders to go shopping for the correct kielbasa (polish sausage) to put on the grill. We had just enough time to fill our shopping cart then head to the beach.

We started the charcoal and sat down to see who would come to our party. We planned enough food for 24. We were thrilled to have 17 people come, 9 members (including 6 missionaries) and 8 non-member friends. Of the friends, 1 came from our english class, 1 came from a contact the elders made in Sopot, 2 were walk-ins to our church one day and 2 came from people the elders have been working with. The guy from Sopot rode his bike to the party – about 7 miles.

After the party was winding down a squall blew in and it started to drizzle. We had just enough time to load everything up and take it to the car before it began to rain seriously. I felt bad for the guy from Sopot who had to ride his bike home in the rain. He did