“Doing landscaping service is really satisfying,” says Elder Belleau and he got plenty of it last Friday in Kisewo. He and his companion, Elder Pawlik, were joined by Sisters Dil and Sands to spread and level a mountain of sand and dirt. They commented that, “Before the seed can be planted you have to prepare the soil!” I really enjoyed working with them on our latest project – helping our branch members Skyler and Monika Chambers.
Skyler is from Logan, Utah. He comes from an active LDS family but has not been active since he was 16. He is a writer and met his non-member Polish wife, Monika, online. They are expecting a baby next month. He is also a gardener and we talked gardening while we leveled his backyard. The soil in Poland is dark and perfect for gardening. There is a river running just a block from his house and there was a lot of sand too. I was surprised that there are so few rocks. Elder Pawlik picked a big one up though.