For some time one of our friends from our English class, who is a librarian and not a member of the church, has invited us to come to her library to tell about our home states or countries. She and her co-librarian, who translates our powerpoint presentations, make up posters and hang them up in the library for publicity. Usually from 10 to 15 people attend. We like to make ourselves available to the general public on all occasions and these library events are ideal. Statistics say that it takes many positive interactions with members of the church before someone considers becoming a member. I presented in the library last month and I found the attendees to be impressive. Many speak fluent English and are very knowledgeable. Several had actually lived in the USA for a time.
Last evening it was Sister Dil’s turn to present on her home country of New Zealand. I teased her all week that, as part of her lecture, she should do the “Haka”, a ceremonial dance in the Maori culture. During her presentation she explained that the Haka is performed at important occasions like funerals or acknowledge great accomplishments. She described it as a celebration of the triumph of life over death. It is also performed by some New Zealand sports teams. Sister Dil is a great teacher and is at her best when presenting in front of a group. She ended her presentation with a bang, showing the New Zealand rugby team, the All Blacks, performing the Haka. Sister Dil is outstanding. We love our missionaries!