Lost Creek in Spring

For Memorial Day, I took the four wee ones up Lost Creek. It was perhaps the best day of my entire life.

We borrowed Dad’s battery chainsaw in case any trees had fallen on the road. Scott Brooks has been up there a lot this spring hunting black bears and has done a monumental job of cleaning all the fallen trees off the road. We cleared a few that were scratching the sides of the pickup. The kids loved hauling away the cut branches. We arrived at the cabin site and found that it has weathered the winter really well! The tarps stayed pretty much in place and in spite of all manner of critters chewing on it, has stayed intact through winter. I placed a trail camera to watch the site over winter and it snowed so much that it buried the camera.

The spring runoff was still in full swing so I took the kiddos up to the pond and that’s when the fun began. Lydia, as per standard child procedure, immediately fell face first into the mud and got soaked. All the kids played in the water and mud for 3 hours straight. Pictured above is the bridge that Griffin and Cameron built over the stream coming out of the canyon. Lydia and Will mostly ran around and splashed in the ice cold water.

We stopped and ate at Chuck-a-rama on the way home, which pretty much sealed the deal on it being the best day so far in the children’s life.

Also, we planted some fruit trees in our yard in Eagle Mountain, had Jay and Julia over for dinner one night, and took Lydia and the boys to the swimming pool. I also drove from Georgia to Utah to help Lizzy’s sister Anna & husband move back to Utah.