Hi mom and dad,
For a Sunday activity we are writing to you. Everyone has a question and a piece of advice for you. Maybe I can post it on the blog after you fill it out.
(@ a meeting)
Answer: I actually have a lot in common with Eric right now. Bishops and Branch Presidents are pretty similar in a lot of ways.
Question: What do you do on the daily?
Answer: The last two weeks have been training weeks. The Parkinson’s put together a document that listed all the things we need to know. We have gone through it carefully. It included all the branch members, places, tasks, and transportation methods we should know. It was the best training session I’ve had in my life. It took more than a week to get through. We cannot say we haven’t been trained.
Our schedule is outlined for us but there are large time blocks open. Mom is teaching Institute on Tuesday night at 7pm.
Advice: People love it when you remember their names!
Answer: Amen but challenging. Here are the first names of some of the branch members: Łukasz, Jadwiga, Maga, Cezary, Elizaveta, Gocha, Wiesław, Edwin, Hazel, Anna, Wioletta, Vitalii, Aksana, and Janina. Hardly any of these names are said like they are spelled.
Question: how many people do you talk to everyday?
Answer: Not as many as you might imagine. The young missionaries do the contacting. They ask people to take the discussions, make commitments, and come to church, English class or Institute class. We help them by solving problems for them like finding a better place for them to live, driving them to outlying appointments, planning and holding Spirit filled church services, and doing things that we can do to help them. On Saturday we did find a contact in a Korean restaurant that we are going to visit with the young sister missionaries.
Advice: Make sure to do what President Nelson asked us to do in conference, such as reading in the D&C.
Answer: Will do!
Question: What are the Polish people like?
Answer: They are a formal people until they get to know you – then they really like you. Their friendships are few and are generally deeper than US friendships. I think I have made friends with a non-member 18 year old young man named Piotr. He might welcome a letter from you if you are interested. He speaks very good English and is trying to make it better. He is very smart but has had a difficult life. He lived with his mom until he needed to find another place to live. He went to live with his dad located in a different house and he still lives there. I really like Piotr.
Advice: Find fun things for when we come!
Answer: Libby we have the following to choose from: Westerplatte, Amber Museum, Post Office Museum, Maritime Museum, Town Hall Museum. National (Art) Museum, World War II Museum (just ask Ethan where WWII started, Solidarity Museum, Oliwa Park, Sopot Pier, Malbork Castle (Teutonic Knights – largest brick castle in Europe), Copernicus observatory and museum, looking for amber on the Baltic . . .
Question: Are you tracting?
Answer: Nope. Senior missionaries generally don’t tract. The young missionaries don’t knock doors here and try to hand out pamphlets. They make contacts using Facebook. The church runs ads on Facebook for five free lessons or a free Book of Mormon. People respond to the ads and our missionaries try to contact them within 3 hours of when they clicked on the ad. It is keeping them busy!! Our Elders told me last week they had 40 contacts to make an initial contact with. The missionaries tell me this recent Facebook push is revitalizing the missionary work in Poland. Today the Elders told me they are very busy with Facebook contacts but that we shouldn’t feel awkward if we need to ask for help. They can work us in. I’m glad they are so busy.
Advice: Remember who you’re doing this for!
Answer: Now that is advice I try to keep in my heart always. It is Jesus Christ’s church and His work. We are fortunate to be allowed to help him do it. We receive blessings and see miracles nearly every day.
Our miracle yesterday was that an older Polish couple walked into our meetings right off the street. The missionaries didn’t know them. That doesn’t happen normally. In addition they stayed for all our meetings!
Question: What does candy look like there?
Answer: It looks good but I haven’t bought any yet. I’m trying to eat healthy and for me that means I can’t eat candy.
Advice: Don’t starve.
Answer: The food we buy in the grocery store is very high quality. Already we have fallen in love with Polish yogurt.
Question: what kind of food do you eat?
Answer: So far we have eaten mostly at restaurants since we are living in a temporary apartment. We have eaten hamburgers, crepes, soup, Georgian stuffed bread, Polish chicken and potatoes, Korean teriyaki chicken, a Subway tuna sandwich, lots of ice cream and Polish pastry.
Advice: Eat the food you’re served. Even if you hate it. Because it’s not nice to not eat it.
Answer: You are right. We always eat what we are served and it sometimes takes some getting used to but it is good!
Tris: still can’t talk
Answer: Yes but he is cute!
Indie: same circumstance
Answer: I wish I could see him smile.
I love each of you!