Bryant & I hosted our first thanksgiving in our new home! We had my parents join us, two of my brothers (Avery & Zachary) & a pair of friends. Bryant tried out a new way of cooking the turkey called ‘spatchcock’. Where you essentially cut the turkey and lay it out flat to cook. We had lots of the traditional thanksgiving sides & they didn’t disappoint. I had made creamed onions for the very first time ( a big thanks to Lizzy for introducing Bryant & I to that fabulous dish) & it was a crowd favorite!
We had more than enough dessert to go around. What is thanksgiving without a pie?!…or four. It was such a fun day. Bryant and I love cooking yummy food for people to enjoy so this was a fun occasion. Even Indy enjoyed all of the company & special attention she got from a group of people vs. just the usual pair of us.