Celebrated the 4th of July in Sacramento, CA at my parents house & it was a very HOT day. Bryant took Indy swimming in her very first big pool. We were surprised to see that she was a pretty decent swimmer on her own, but did tend to drink a bit too much of the pool water…Bryant loved every moment of it, and the verdict is still out if Indy did or not. We have yet to see her jump in own her own again! Making fruit pizza cookies seems to be a new 4th tradition of mine. They’re just so dang refreshing I can’t seem to resist making them on a warm day. We grilled burgers as you do on the fourth & enjoyed watching fireworks that all of the surrounding neighbors fired off.
The following day was my birthday & really only worth mentioning because the food that we ate. Sushi at ‘Mikuni’ was a must & Bryant for the part two years has been sooo amazing for making homemade lava cake…I think this years was the best yet!
The mini cast-iron pans were a gift from Bryant that we both have thoroughly enjoyed. Fresh mini servings of peach cobbler & even pizzookies have been a new regular bryant will whip up for the both of us when we are craving a sweet treat.