At long last, I proposed to Julia!
Some important background information you’ll want to know before I tell the whole story:
- I think its really funny to fake propose to Julia. I’ve probably done it 15+ times. A few of those times have even been with lost and found rings. Julia has never fallen for it.
- I’ve had the ring since mid December. I’ve been keeping it in my backpack or in my wallet just in case.
Julia drove down to provo on Jan 10th so that we could spend the weekend together. We like to get out of the apartment, so she suggested we go on a walk. South of the Y trailhead and below the Bonneville shoreline trail, there’s path that we’ve been on many times. I was conscious of ring in my wallet (per usual). It was a beautiful sunset that evening.

In the picture you can see an upper and a lower trail. As we started our walk, we noticed that someone setting up candles and a blanket on the lower trail. Somebody was proposing right there below of us! That was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
When we were out of sight of the other proposal, I knelt down, but I didn’t have the ring out of my pocket yet. Julia immediately rolled her eyes and hauled me off the ground (“stop making a scene Jay”). BUT THEN I KNELT DOWN AGAIN. This time there was a legit ring.
She was shocked
Never saw it coming

But she said yes
Mission success