In the MTC, I first noticed that Sharon had tremors. They weren’t large but I noticed them when she was stressed. I immediately thought of Parkinson’s Disease and it was very worrisome to me.
When we had been in Poland for several weeks I thought they were worse. By the time we reached Halloween she had difficulty writing on the white board. Her signature looks shaky, a little like her mother’s did at this age. Clearly the tremors are worse when she is cold or under stress.
At first I didn’t know how to bring up these tremors so we could talk about it. Eventually the subject did come up. We don’t know what the tremors mean. Does it say that she has Parkinson’s Disease?
Melodie noticed the tremors when she was here at Halloween and she mentioned it to Stephen. He thought we should consult with a mission doctor.
On the way home from our mission conference while we were riding the train, I noticed that the tremors were worse. Her leg seemed to be moving back and forth in a one inch amplitude. That really worried me and I asked her if she would allow me to contact a mission doctor and she agreed.
I contacted our mission president, President Roney who referred us to Sister Roney and then to a missionary doctor in Frankfurt. After hearing about it, he said he’d talk to a neurologist in Salt Lake City.
Here is his email back to us:
Elder and Sister, I just got a response from the neurologist and I don’t know how helpful this is. He basically left it up to you.
“Hi Elder Bingham- I think if it is progressing slowly, they should be able to wait until they get home. If there is concern about it worsening quickly, then they may want to return earlier. Hope this helps”
If she does have Parkinson’s, then the is a list of medication to help control the symptoms, all of which have side affects. You start slowly and increase the dosage or change medicine.
Here is a good website for Parkinson’s. But we still have not established the diagnosis of Parkinson’s .
If you want to see a neurologist now, I suggest that you check with Sister Roney. I am not familiar with the clinics in Poland. The concern I have is that by the time you get into a neurologist, have the tests done and start on a trial of meds it will be time to go home and start the process all over again.
Does this help at all?
Elder Bingham
We will begin the process of getting an appointment with a neurologist in Utah even while we are still serving here in Poland. I appreciate the concern of the doctors helping us. Our mission president has also been worried for us.